Apr 13, 2005

New blog


Mar 11, 2005

Mercy killing

Putting my blog out of its misery, at least for now.

(For my throng of devoted fans: recently grabbed up the chrisbodenner.com domain, so I'll be developing some sort of personal website in the next month or so.)

Feb 17, 2005

Northwest sabbatical

Flying out to Seattle (again) tomorrow morning at seven.
Skiing at Whistler with brother and a half dozen of his college buddies.
Working in Seattle, working and visiting with my mom in Portland.
Back on March 1.

Feb 11, 2005

Very excited

For tomorrow.

Superbowl ads

In case you missed them: IFILM

A disappointing lot overall, but Ameriquest's "Taser" and "Cat Killer" made me proud to be an American consumer.*

*not really


Interpol and Blonde Redhead

Feb 10, 2005

Plug Awards

Went to a fantastic concert event last night at Webster Hall--the first annual Plug Awards--which awarded the best of the best in indie rock. Zach and I got there just in time to catch Saul Williams (who he was particularly impressed with). RJD2 followed with a solid and cinematic set, and fed into the next performance of the Brooklyn rapper Aesop Rock, who was kinda hit-and-miss. Sufjan Stevens played a pair of stirring acoustic ballads, but was dissipated by a rowdy venue of beer bottles and crowd chatter. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists definitely stole the show for me. They blew away their studio recordings of "Me and Mia" and "Little Dawn" with intense onstage energy, so now their album pales in comparison.

Flickr'd some photos here.

As far as awards, click here.

"New Artist of the Year" honors went to the Montreal sextet Arcade Fire, who I saw last Wednesday at Irving Plaza with friends Brian and Mike. By far one of the best live shows I've seen, and it solidified them as my favorite group of 2004. One of the highlights was David Byrne, lead singer of Talking Heads, joining Arcade for the second encore. Plus, to round out the 80s indie rock idols, David Bowie was in the audience! (Sadly, however, like Zach, I forgot my camera, but Brian sent me this link of another blogger who snapped some photos.)

Feb 8, 2005

The Bodenners

My cousin, Matt, compiled this neato little site of all the virtual Bodenners out there, including my brother, my uncle, my aunt, and myself.
(I actually found it by surprise, when I got a "bodenner" Google Alert last week.)

The photo below was taken in 1900. My great-grandfather is in the upper right. It's eerie to see a resemblance.

bloggers. old skool.

Jan 29, 2005

Traveling thespian

My HS and NYC friend Clint just started a 6-month tour with the theatre company TheatreworksUSA playing Templeton the Rat in "Charlotte's Web." It's his first professional acting job, so I'm pretty proud of him (he was waiting tables for about a year after graduating from the prestigious Tisch School). He'll be traveling all around the country--including his hometown of Augusta, GA--but I'll probably get to see his performance in the city within the next month.

Jan 23, 2005

Stranger cover

so perfect

Jan 20, 2005

Morning of Mourning


Saw a fantastic Chilean film at Film Forum with Zach tonight.
By far one of the best I've seen here in NYC.

Machuca is the story of two Chilean boys--one privileged and one impoverished--who become close friends during the brutal transition from the socialist Allende to the authoritarian Pinochet in 1973 (for those of you rusty on your modern Chilean history, click here).

Bizarre anecdote: The class bully who ruled the school in the film had an UNCANNY resemblence to Nick. Zach and I couldn't believe our eyes.
(I'm ceaselessly searching for a photo of the kid online.)

Babcock 3A

The lovely, soon-to-be-Dr. Katie finally sent me the photos of when she and Nate were here in New York for New Year's.

Here's my favorite:



Jan 17, 2005

Zach in New Yorker!

Funny Boys: Success in the City

New form of photoblogging?


Jan 16, 2005


My favorite childhood passion was rekindled today, when I played about an hour-and-a-half of dodgeball in the basement of MLK High (conveniently about 10 blocks from my place). I responded to a craigslist ad yesterday for a dodgeball league sponsored through Zogsports, and took Zach along for the ride.

My DB skillz were pretty rusty (partly due to my hangover from Ukrainian potato vodka), but it felt great to get back in the game. We all went out for beers afterward, and I'm looking forward to getting to know the teammates more (the captain is a photo editor at the NYT--#8 on my list of dream jobs). Next game is next Thursday, when we play "Balls to the Wall" and "Feun Schnickens."

Game #1 highlight:
Zach "Headhunter" Klein nearly decapitated a poor girl with a 70 mph fastball (she apparently didn't get the "dodge" part of "dodgeball").

Here's the best pic I could muster with my modest Elph:

Jan 15, 2005

Blog Business Summit

I'm trying to get my new employer, GlutenFree Passport, to send me to the Blog Business Summit in Seattle next week. (It's absolutely perfect for what we are doing right now with the website, and it couldn't have been a better coincidence.) I think they'll bite.

1/19 update: Woohoo! I'm goin to Seattle.

BBS 05 Badge 3

Pop's Blog

My lovable curmudgeon of a grandfather (we call him 'Pop') is a frequent follower of my blog, and just recently voiced his interest in starting a blog of his own!

Needless to say, I was quite excited to hear this. He's by far the best story and joker teller I know, not to mention rabidly and vocally anti-Bush (and as a veteran of both Korea and Vietnam, I think he has a little more credibility than most).

So between Pop's jokes and anti-Bush rants (which are often one and the same), I think his blog would be really entertaining.

But I sense that he's dragging his heels on this one, so I need the single-digit number of people who read this blog to VOICE YOUR SUPPORT!

c'mon, you totally wanna see this guy go off on bush

Jan 13, 2005


Attention fellow male bloggers:
Laptops heat the testicles and may cause infertility

Opening paragraph:
Are you sitting with your computer on your lap? A small research project from Yefim Sheynkin at the State University of New York has found that the heat from your laptop can elevate the temperature of your scrotum by up to 2.8 degrees. That may be nice but the problem is that there is a well demonstrated link between high testicular temperature and infertility.
[italics mine: i love that line]

More friends in foreign lands

My college buddy Nick is currently in Mumbai, India, exploring the world while developing his nifty software venture, BuddyGopher.

Recently, he's been taking paragliding lessons!!
Check out his page.

(nick's the albino indian)

Jan 12, 2005

Annoying Liberal Cartoonist

over at the Village Voice.

(I love the irony of Sutton mocking the cliched humor of his characters.)

Marg in London

My dear friend Margaret arrived in London on Saturday to begin a semester-long sabbatical at Wake's Worrell House. (In fact, she's in the same room that Zach stayed in 3 years ago.)

Other than playing in London for four months, I'm jealous she's also taking a class with Angus Lockyer, one of my favorite professors from Wake (he now teaches at the SOAS of the University of London).

Apparently Lockyer is making everyone in his class ("History of London") maintain a blog of their happenings in the city, which makes him that much cooler. Here's hers.

A few camera-phone pics from her new digs:

Scenic Marg

Scenic London

Jan 11, 2005

Zach in Time Out!

the good kind.

I never get tired of these photos.

(the full-size version, naturally)


Another rad site passed along by ZAK.

Simply by downloading an iTunes plug-in, Audioscrobbler updates and sorts all the music you listen to into various categories--current tracks, top artists, top tracks--and shares the information with a community of other Audioscrobblers. For me, it's a good way to see what my music-lover friends are listening to, and find out what other bands are associated with the bands I like. The options are limitless.

(My online id is steadily spreading throughout cyberspace, as I willingly submit to the inevitable. )

Jan 10, 2005

43 Things

I have 5 so far.

via ZAK

Jan 9, 2005

Jan 7, 2005

So hilariously good...

Go Sox!

Jan 6, 2005

No CIA Left Behind

A1 story in the Times airs the dirty laundry of the CIA, which just released an internal investigation report that concludes "officials who served at the highest levels of the agency should be held accountable for failing to allocate adequate resources to combating terrorism before the Sept. 11 attacks."

The most obvious irony of the article points out that George Tenet--former CIA director who abruptly "retired" July 11 to "spend more time with the family"--received a Medal of Freedom (the highest civilian honor) by the president last month. Ignoring accountability is one thing, but rewarding failure for political pimping is outright insulting.

But the more subtle irony lies in this paragraph:

"The vast bulk of Mr. Helgerson's report was completed last summer, intelligence officials said, but its completion was delayed while the document was reviewed first by John E. McLaughlin, who became acting intelligence chief after Mr. Tenet's departure, and then Porter J. Goss, who became director of central intelligence in September." [italics mine]

Goss made a career in the CIA before becoming a long-running Republican congressman from Florida,* appointed by Bush (George, not Jeb) in September.

So what was going on September-November that would Goss to delay such a pivotal report?

*your former representative, Pete

Crossfire cancelled

Looks like Jon Stewart gets the first and last laugh.

for NYT non-subscribers:

Mr. Klein [new president of CNN] specifically cited the criticism that the comedian Jon Stewart leveled at "Crossfire" when he was a guest on the program during the presidential campaign. Mr. Stewart said that ranting partisan political shows on cable were "hurting America."

Do you speak American?

Everyone should try to catch the new PBS special, "Do you speak American?," which premiered tonight. It totally fed my already-piqued interest in pursuing a MA in Linguistics several years down the line.

I called my father tonight to wish him a happy birthday (HAPPY %*TH, DAD!!) between the 2nd of 3 one-hour episodes, and discovered 15 minutes into the conversation that we had both been watching the same thing (he was startled to get my call RIGHT when the second episode ending). He's an English teacher in inner-city Kansas City, and obviously passed on his linguaphilia to me.

birthday bum

Andy the Kiwi

Andrea Murray--a friend of mine teaching for the JET program in Hokkaido, Japan--just got back from a three-week jaunt to New Zealand.
So very, very jealous.

Andy skiing the glacier, minus the skis

Jan 5, 2005

Maori (or "New Zealand Injuns", for all you anthropologists) reenacting a traditional welcome ceremony

(by the time it got to New Zealand)

Jan 4, 2005


My roommates' good friend Travas--a Brit art dealer that I've hung out with many a time this past autumn--was in Phuket, Thailand when the tsunami hit.

On the beach.
In the water.
On a surfboard.


The last time I saw him, we ate at this great little Thai place near my apartment. Thank the gods it won't be the last time; he made it to safety on high ground, and will be in town this weekend. I can't wait to hear his story.

(I doubt we'll be eating Thai this time).

not Travas

Jan 2, 2005

Newest issue of CJR

The second and final issue published under my internship, which ended just before Christmas.

It was a great experience, and I learned a lot, but I'm glad it's over.


2005 turns 0

Marg turns 21

A New Year's resolution: resurrecting my blog

Nov 20, 2004

Awful Plastic Surgery

currently my favorite website.

Entries range from the comical to the grotesque to the downright sad.

what the fuck is wrong with these people?

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

Haven't posted in a while, largely due to the busyness that is my life right now.

I started my new part-time job last week, waiting tables at the new location of an old West Village staple, The Paris Commune. The place is just starting to get its shit together, so it's been really high strung and stressful, but bundles of tax-free cash at the end of the night tend to lift my spirits. (I've also found rubbing tens and twenties on my feet help to ameliorate the pain.)

The place is a tad pricey, but the food's pretty excellent--a mixture of French and Americana. The space is amazing, the wall-to-wall windows of West Village are wistful, and there's a full bar. Brunch is pseudo-famous, particularly the French toast (although, as a server, you work twice as hard and make half as much as dinner).

Bank and Greenwich, come heckle (and tip) me!

Nov 9, 2004

Super NOVA!

I just discovered NOVA's webpage, where you can download many of their previously-aired programs. Happy day!

I prefer 'phoetus'

"Dumb" is so subjective

Percentage of Bush supporters/Kerry supporters who believe:

Iraq possessed prohibited weapons or had a major WMD program...72/26
Iraq gave al Qaeda "substantial support" or direct involvement in 9/11...75/30
the majority of people in the world oppose the U.S.-led war in Iraq...31/74

(furthermore, how can over 15 million Kerry voters be so dumb?)

Find the entire PIPA report here.
Or read the WPost article here.

Even if you retreat to the existential excuse of "how can we ever know?", then base it on common sense credibility; the bipartisan 9/11 committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, US weapons inspector David Kay, and DCI special advisor Charles Duelfer all contradict the Bush administration. Not to mention Bush's own flip-flop from WMD/al Qaeda to Saddam-in-jail/"democracy" as main focus of Iraq war.

Nov 8, 2004

Newest issue of CJR!

Nov 7, 2004


Selective Service Number:
82 - 0326578 - 3

Date of Registration:

(via Zach's post)

Nov 6, 2004

SS Phantom

I recently caught wind of this truly inspiring homepage (via my brother). It's basically a travel log of a Seattle family that spent over 2 years on the open seas, down the West Coast and then all across the South Pacific. I'm immensely jealous of these two kids.

I could say I'm especially motivated to take such an extended journey now that Bush is reelected, but those sort of people are obnoxious and completely missing the point. If you're so repulsed by another four years of Bush, then why don't you get more intensely involved in the political process of this great country, instead of simply abandoning it?

When the evangelical right felt so repulsed by the social and cultural revolution of the 60s and 70s, they mobilized, organized, and lobbied passionately to push through their political agenda, thus sparking the great conservative takeover of the last thirty years. Such a movement (though detestable by my personal values) is to be admired.

Nov 3, 2004

Presidential Purgatory

3 am, and I can't sleep.

Oct 30, 2004

File Mag

Justice is wrought

My brother's trusty Suburu Outback was stolen last week, from right outside his house.

Seeing as how he doesn't drive it on a regular basis, he didn't have any insurance on it. Not cool.

Fortunately, it was recovered today, along with the thieving bastard inside.

I would like to address said bastard:

Oct 29, 2004


Oct 27, 2004

Check it

My brother's usually-dormant blog has had a flurry of political posts recently (notably his letter-to-the-editor of Seattle Weekly concerning their selling out over the Monorail project).

His active citizenship is to be revered and replicated.

Read it, or you hate America.

Hot D&D chicks!!

Be sure to check out the suuh-weet "teaser" video here.

Oct 24, 2004

Just heard on CNN

"We should blow them all away, in the name of the Lord"
-Jerry Falwell

Oct 21, 2004

Steinbrenner speaks

"Pedro, I am your daddy"

Oct 20, 2004

Game 7!!!

Oct 19, 2004

Another Bush baby

The Skype Revolution!

Free internet telephone service.

Check it: Skype

I'm using it to talk to my friend Andy in Japan, while Nick is currently prank calling unsuspecting Chinese.

Time capsule

Alanis Morissette getting slimed on the Nickelodeon classic,
'You Can't Do That On Television.'

I live in NYC

but I was a Red Sox fan tonight.

(Now it's a real series)

My roommate, Bob, has tickets for Game 6 here in NY; I haven't followed pro baseball since I was in middle school, but I'm jealous.

(pull it. go on...)

Oct 18, 2004


Jon Stewart's live appearance on CNN's Crossfire last Friday was the most confrontational feat of media criticism I've ever seen. Other than the obvious jabs that left Begala and Carlson stammering, Stewart voiced what everyone working in my office has been preaching this entire campaign.

A must: Video and transcript

(a better video clip)

Oct 14, 2004

For the delight of stoners everywhere...

Magical Trevor

Kerry eats babies!

--spotted scrawled on a sign behind CNN commentators after tonight's debate


Oct 8, 2004


"I would totally rue eating moist curd loaf"

I agree, friend, I agree.

Speaking of Pulitzers

they're given out 5 floors above my desk.


I can't remember which publication I got this image from, but here's a related link.

My Pulitzer vote.

Oct 5, 2004

A tax, or attacks?

Yet another solid Op-Ed from the NYT (although I really need to start reading other papers):

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, Mr. Bush's tax cuts, with their strong tilt toward the wealthy, are responsible for more than $270 billion of the 2004 budget deficit. Increased spending on homeland security accounts for only $20 billion.

Oct 4, 2004


I had some high school reunions of sorts this weekend, when Harshita (taking a break from her Harvard MA in Religion) Greyhounded down to meet up with Clint and me for dinner and drinks in the East Village. The three of us staffed the muckracking, trailblazing Greenbrier Dispatch back in HS.

Also, I spoke to Vince--fellow track star and partner in crime--for the first time in over a year. I discovered he's here in Manhattan as well!, doing financial banking for JP Morgan. Looking forward to bending some laws with him soon.

back in the days of film and scanners


The terrorist Saddam Hussein attacked us on September 11.

What, you need proof?

Sep 30, 2004

Thanks Mrs. Nick's Mom!

My buddy Nick just airmailed me a batch of cookies that his mother made. The tasty morsels--oatmeal, walnuts, raisins, buttery goodness--are one of my new favorite treats. My day is made.


Sep 28, 2004

Ralph's retreat

to Northern Arizona. Six days around Flagstaff and Sedona.

My trip dwarfs in comparison.

rocks harder

Sep 27, 2004

Weekend escape

...from the clutches of urban strangle.

My roadtrip ally, Zach, beat me to the blog.


Sep 24, 2004


My new roommate and burgeoning pal, Michael, is starring in the off-Broadway musical, How to Save the World and Find True Love in 90 Minutes. It was part of the recent New York International Fringe Festival. I'm going to see it, tomorrow.

No, I know, but trust me, it's not Dr. Strangelove (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)

Sep 23, 2004


Photo Of the Day.
Will try to maintain it, at least as a warm up to photoblogging.

Pete, when he had more hair and more finger.

Another Rumsfeld gem

"At some point the Iraqis will get tired of getting killed and we'll have enough of the Iraqi security forces that they can take over responsibility for governing that country."

Sep 22, 2004

Osama been Forgotten

"Saddam Hussein, if he's alive, is spending a whale of a lot of time trying not to get caught. And we've not seen him on a video since 2001." Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, confusing former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein with Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a recent address at the National Press Club. (Newsweek, pg 19)

For me, that pretty much sums this administration since 9/11.

Going through old photos...

The Shark vs. The Cocker Spaniel...place your bets.

Letterman update

The show taped today that I attended is actually airing this Friday, so I actually got to see Julianne Moore (one of my favorite actors) instead of Dr. Phil. Hoo-ray!

Sep 21, 2004

Tonight's guest: Dr. Philistine

Clint got two free tickets for the Letterman Show tonight--through a friend of a friend who works there--and he's taking me! (the Ed Sullivan Theatre, conveniently, is two blocks from my apartment). Letterman is no Conan, and Dr. Phil is certainly no John Kerry (who was the guest last night), but I'm really psyched. The exceptional Gary Sinese--who, coincidentally, Clint and I saw star in the Broadway performance of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" three years ago--is also on.

Still, we have to sit through Dr. Phil drool about how to help Oprahfied soccer moms lose weight, despite the fact that the "good doctor" isn't even an M.D., but a Ph.D. in clinical psychology; he's as much of a medical doctor as my history professor. And he kinda lacks credibility as a weight-loss messiah when he himself is pushing 225 lb.
But who needs credibility when you have an army of Oprah lemmings willing to eat up anything you say.

Sep 20, 2004

Pepper y Becca


Couldn't say it any better

Bob Herbert's Op-Ed in the NYT today, "Waiting for the Candidate to Emerge."

For those who don't subscribe online (i.e. my stubborn grandfather), a core sampling:

Mr. Kerry has suffered recently in the polls primarily because of his reluctance to put his authentic self on display. He's run a cautious, soulless campaign so far, saying only the things he thinks he should, and shadow boxing instead of really mixing it up...If Mr. Kerry has a message, he's garbled it pretty badly. If he's passionate about anything, he's kept it to himself. George Adair, a 50-year-old Democrat from Alabama who responded to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll, was succinct on this point: "I don't feel I have a clear enough picture of Mr. Kerry's agenda."

Sep 18, 2004

By far

my favorite photo I ever took for my college newspaper:

I heart Sigma Chi