Sep 20, 2004

Couldn't say it any better

Bob Herbert's Op-Ed in the NYT today, "Waiting for the Candidate to Emerge."

For those who don't subscribe online (i.e. my stubborn grandfather), a core sampling:

Mr. Kerry has suffered recently in the polls primarily because of his reluctance to put his authentic self on display. He's run a cautious, soulless campaign so far, saying only the things he thinks he should, and shadow boxing instead of really mixing it up...If Mr. Kerry has a message, he's garbled it pretty badly. If he's passionate about anything, he's kept it to himself. George Adair, a 50-year-old Democrat from Alabama who responded to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll, was succinct on this point: "I don't feel I have a clear enough picture of Mr. Kerry's agenda."


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