Awful Plastic Surgery
currently my favorite website.
Entries range from the comical to the grotesque to the downright sad.
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
currently my favorite website.
Entries range from the comical to the grotesque to the downright sad.
what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Haven't posted in a while, largely due to the busyness that is my life right now.
I started my new part-time job last week, waiting tables at the new location of an old West Village staple, The Paris Commune. The place is just starting to get its shit together, so it's been really high strung and stressful, but bundles of tax-free cash at the end of the night tend to lift my spirits. (I've also found rubbing tens and twenties on my feet help to ameliorate the pain.)
The place is a tad pricey, but the food's pretty excellent--a mixture of French and Americana. The space is amazing, the wall-to-wall windows of West Village are wistful, and there's a full bar. Brunch is pseudo-famous, particularly the French toast (although, as a server, you work twice as hard and make half as much as dinner).
Bank and Greenwich, come heckle (and tip) me!
I just discovered NOVA's webpage, where you can download many of their previously-aired programs. Happy day!
I prefer 'phoetus'
Percentage of Bush supporters/Kerry supporters who believe:
Iraq possessed prohibited weapons or had a major WMD program...72/26
Iraq gave al Qaeda "substantial support" or direct involvement in 9/11...75/30
the majority of people in the world oppose the U.S.-led war in Iraq...31/74
(furthermore, how can over 15 million Kerry voters be so dumb?)
Find the entire PIPA report here.
Or read the WPost article here.
Even if you retreat to the existential excuse of "how can we ever know?", then base it on common sense credibility; the bipartisan 9/11 committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, US weapons inspector David Kay, and DCI special advisor Charles Duelfer all contradict the Bush administration. Not to mention Bush's own flip-flop from WMD/al Qaeda to Saddam-in-jail/"democracy" as main focus of Iraq war.
Selective Service Number:
82 - 0326578 - 3
Date of Registration:
(via Zach's post)
I recently caught wind of this truly inspiring homepage (via my brother). It's basically a travel log of a Seattle family that spent over 2 years on the open seas, down the West Coast and then all across the South Pacific. I'm immensely jealous of these two kids.
I could say I'm especially motivated to take such an extended journey now that Bush is reelected, but those sort of people are obnoxious and completely missing the point. If you're so repulsed by another four years of Bush, then why don't you get more intensely involved in the political process of this great country, instead of simply abandoning it?
When the evangelical right felt so repulsed by the social and cultural revolution of the 60s and 70s, they mobilized, organized, and lobbied passionately to push through their political agenda, thus sparking the great conservative takeover of the last thirty years. Such a movement (though detestable by my personal values) is to be admired.